
Drop Shadow Filter Component


This component adds a visual shadow effect to the UI object it is applied to.

WebGL Demo


Component Screenshot

Property                            TypeRangeDefaultDetails
    ModeEnumDefaultWhich mode to use when rendering the shadow. Options are:
Default - Standard drop shadow where shadow is cast behind.
Inset - Shadow is cast inside giving a sunken appearance.
Glow - a blurred version of the Graphic is rendered underneath - make sure the Color is a bright value.
Cutout Drop shadow with the source Graphic cut out from it.
    AngleFloat[0..360]135.0The angle that shadow is cast in degrees.
    DistanceFloat[0..256]8.0The distance in pixels that the shadow is cast.
    ColorColorBlackThe color of the shadow.
    Down SampleEnumAutoHow to downsample the texture before blurring. Downsampling gives improved performance, however the quality can be lower especially when animation the blur amount, but for still images it's usually not noticable. Options are:
Auto - Automatic downsampling will depend on the platform.
None - No downsampling.
Half - Downsample to half the size.
Quarter - Downsample to a quarter the size.
Eighth - Downsample to an eighth the size.
    BlurFloat[0..64]4.0The radius of the blur filter in pixels.
    HardnessFloat[0..2]1.0Makes the shadow darker or lighter.
    Source AlphaFloat[0..1]1.0Fades the source Graphic.
    StrengthFloat[0..1]1.0Strength of the effect.


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI Graphic component (eg Text, Image, RawImage, etc). The object will now render with a shadow.

Usage with TextMeshPro

To use this filter effect with TextMeshPro use the Filter Stack (TextMeshPro) component.