
Outline Filter Component


This component adds a visual outline effect to the UI object it is applied to.

WebGL Demo


Component Screenshot

Property                            TypeRangeDefaultDescription
    MethodEnumDistanceMapThe algorithm to use for creating the outline. Options are:
DistanceMap - This is usually the best method as it has the best performance, especially for large outlines.
Dilate - This is a legacy method and is much slower than DistanceMap especially when Size is larger than 4.0, but it does have slightly smoother outline than DistanceMap. This enables the Blur property but doesn't enable some more advanced options that will be available in the DistanceMap method soon.
    ShapeEnumCircleThe shape that the outline grows in. Options are:
Square - Useful when you don't want rounded outlines. For example on a rectangular Image use this to keep the outline rectangular.
Diamond - Pointy sharper outlines.
Circle - Useful for rounded outlines and usually the best option.
    DirectionEnumOutsideThe direction the outline grows in. Options are:
Both - Grow both inside and outside.
Inside - Only grow inside.
Outside - Only grow outside.
    SizeFloat[0..256]4.0The radius of the outline in pixels.
    SoftnessFloat[0..128]2.0The radius of the falloff pixels. Best to keep this value below Size. Used to soften/anti-alias the outline.
This option is only available when Method is set to DistanceMap mode.
    BlurFloat[0..4]0.0The radius of the blur filter in pixels.
This option is only available when Method is set to Dilate mode.
    ColorColorBlackThe color of the outline.
    Source AlphaFloat[0..1]1.0Fades the source Graphic.
    StrengthFloat[0..1]1.0Strength of the effect.


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI Graphic component (eg Text, Image, RawImage, etc). The object will now render with an outline.

Usage with TextMeshPro

To use this filter effect with TextMeshPro use the Filter Stack (TextMeshPro) component.